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Isaac Sim + Isaac Lab 项目推荐


Isaa Sim Official TemplateTemplate for Isaac Lab ProjectsExternal extenstion template based on Isaac Lab
QuadrupedUnitree Go2/G1 Digital TwinsUnitree Go2, Unitree G1 support for Nvidia Isaac Lab (Isaac Gym / Isaac Sim
RLRoverLabRLRoverLabRover and space-related reinforcement learning environments implemented for Isaac Sim and Isaac Lab.
HumanoidASAP: Aligning Simulation and Real-World Physics forASAP: Learning Agile Humanoid Whole-Body SkillsOfficial implementation of "ASAP: Aligning Simulation and Real-World Physics for Learning Agile Humanoid Whole-Body Skills"
Base Locomotionrobot_labRL Extension Library for Robots, Based on IsaacLab.
ManipulationManipulation Template for IsaacLabAn independent extension based on IsaacLab. It provides support for Robot Manipulation tasks (Robot Arm and Dextrous Hand).
RL Policy deploymentrl_sarSimulation verification and physical deployment of robot reinforcement learning algorithms, suitable for quadruped robots, wheeled robots, and humanoid robots. "sar" represents "simulation and real"
